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Cyber Sprawl Classics is a constant work in progress. As the rules develop further, older issues may receive updates. When running a CSC campaign, make sure to check that you are using the latest PDFs! =============================================================================================== [09.05.21] Check out Horseshark Games' [Enchiridion of the Computarchs], a supplement for DCC and it's family of games. "Enchiridion of the Computarchs seeks to give a judge the leg up on developing and using casting mechanics and concepts in high-tech settings. This book encompasses a range of material concerning computers and programs that a “techno-caster” (like the MCC shaman class, or those classes found in Cyber Sprawl Classics, Crawljammer, Umerica, Terror of the Stratosfiend, and Star Crawl Classics) can utilize. You will not only find a collection of spells (aka. programs) in this book but also a new d24 spellburn table, new mechanics for spell failure, and a brief corruption table all couched in a high-technobabble style for your post-apocalyptic, far-future, and dystopian-future campaigns." [10.05.20] Don't like the original Medic class design? Check out the [MEDIC 2.0] with a variant healing ability. [22.04.20] Check out this [d100 EXTENDED OCCUPATION LIST] from Knights In The North! // Update: [12.09.19] [Issue 3] - Fixed typos; Fixed two program duration times. // Update: [11.24.19] [Issue 3] - Issue 3 is now released! [Issue 1] - Fixed typos; Added media to Appendix C:\ [Issue 2] - Fixed typos; Added a Will save to 'Brights' cyberware. // Update: [11.17.19] [Sheets] - Combined class specific character sheets as well as the generic previous version. // Update: [04.16.19] [Issue 1] - Adjusted Console Cowboy's "Execute Program" die at later levels; Cleaned up layout. [Issue 2] - Fixed Program saves; Added clarifications; Cleaned up layout. =============================================================================================== You’re no hero. You’re a Runner: a rigger, an infiltrator, a street samurai, a cool-headed hacker executing programs in the metaverse. You seek corruption and creds, winning it with console and chrome, bathed in the blood and filth of the oppresive, the megacorps, the police, and the artificial. There are payloads to be won deep in the Sprawl, and you shall have them. Return to the glory days of cyberpunk with Cyber Sprawl Classics. Adventure as 1984 intended you to ![]() |
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